Claim form

To solve your case we need package number. If package number is not available please insert either article number or product name as well as either date of the delivery note or purchase order number.  Without this information, it is unfortunately not possible to process your complaint quickly.

Please note! Do not push the "back" button, otherwise inserted data and added pictures will disappear!

Claim form

Your contact information

Palmako's customer can find customer's nr on the delivery note.

End customer can write the name of the company who sold the claimed product.

The original order submitted to Palmako.

Product information

Package number can be found on the package label or on 1st page of the installation>

Treated products have two package numbers.

Article number can be found on package label or on the first page of manual.

In case if package nr or article nr cannot be identified.

Required only when package or article number is missing.

Claim content

Pos. Nr (find it in the manual) Description Error code Unit count
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, pdf.
18 MB limit per form.
Maximum upload size: 10MB

Delivery information